Compulsory equipment to be carried at all times:



  • First aid kit: 2 crepe (snake) bandages- min 5 cm width, 6 wound closure strips, 1 triangular bandage, 2 non-stick wound dressing pads – per team.
  • Mobile phone in waterproof case/bag - per team.
  • Water - minimum total 0.5 liter at the start of each leg - per person.
  • Timing tag - locked on your wrist (provided by organisers) - per person.
  • Race bib - visible all the time, attached to the triathlon belt or with safety pins (provided by organisers) - per person.



Mountain bike leg compulsory equipment


  • Mountain bike or commuter bike with race bib attached (bikes are available for hire during online registration) - per person.
  • Helmet (also available for hire with your bike) - per person.
  • MTB number plate attached to the front of your bike (provided by race organisers) - per person.



Kayaking leg compulsory equipment


  • PFD (provided by race organisers or can use your own) - per person
  • Kayak (provided by organisers, or you can use your own) - per team
  • Double-ended paddles (provided by race organisers or can use your own) - per person




Recommended items


  • Waterproof pouch for the race information or contact. 
  • Compass (navigation is easy but might be handy). Compass hire and sale are available during online registration only.
  • Map board for the bike. Map board hire and sale are available during online registration only.
  • Off-road running shoes.
  • Nutrition for the entire event- some snacks and/or gels, and electrolytes.